Fillet white fish |
This is a recipe that we usually eat in Chinese restaurants. The sweet and sour sauce is delicious, but not for everyone, just for the ones who are familiar with exotic food. This recipe is also for the ones who are willing to try something new, so here we are:
-375 g firm white fish fillet – snapper,cod,haddock, trevally, tarakihi, orange roughly
-1 tablespoon oil
-1 onion, sliced
-1 green pepper, sliced
-225 g can pineapple chunks
-2 tablespoons corn flour
-1 teaspoon grated root ginger
-1 tablespoon brown sugar
-1 tablespoon soy sauce
-3 tablespoons vinegar
-1 chopped cucumber
-white pepper
I.Cut fish into serving-sized pieces. Arrange in an ovenproof dish. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper to taste.
II.Heat oil in saucepan. Add onion and green pepper. Cook until onion is clear. Remove from heat.
III. Drain pineapple, reserving juice.
IV. In a bowl mix corn flour, ginger, sugar, soy sauce, reserved pineapple juice and vinegar. Add the mixture to pan. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens.
V. Pour sauce over fish. Cover and cook at 180° C for 25 minutes or until fish is cooked.
VI.Stir in pineapple chunks and cucumber.
Serve 4-5 persons.
Sweet and sour fish |
-375 g file peste alb
-1 lingura ulei
-1 ceapa feliata
-1 ardei verde taiat marunt
-225 g cutie compot de ananas
-2 linguri faina de porumb
-1 lingura radacita ginger data pe razatoare
-1 lingura zahar
-1 lingura sos soia
-3 linguri otet
-1 castravete taiat marunt
-piper alb
I.Taiati pestele in bucati. Il puneti intr-un vas de yena –rezistent la caldura cuptorului. Presarati sare si piper dupa gust.
II. Incalziti uleiul intr-o tigaie, adaugati ceapa si ardeiul. Tineti pe foc pana se caleste ceapa, apoi luati tigaia de pe foc.
III.Scoateti ananasul din compot, pastrati compotul.
IV. Intr-un catron, amestecati faina de porumb, ginger, zaharul, sosul de soia, compotul de la ananas si otetul. Puneti totul intr-o tigaie, apoi fierbeti pana se ingroasa sosul.
V. puneti sos peste peste si bagati la cuptorul incins la 180°C. Se lasa aproximativ 25 minute sau atata timp cat e nevoie pentru ca pestele sa fie gata.
VI.Puneti si bucatile de ananas si castravete.
Pentru 4-5 persoane.