
Sunday, August 28, 2011


I adore cooking pasta in two cases: when I'm in a hurry or when I have no other idea about what else i could prepare for the day :)

Spaghetti is an Italian traditional dish, but we all love them. Me, personally, I like preparing them with all kind of sauces; today I'm just going to post here one kind of sauce, but I will come back with other sauces for pasta. Hot sauces or cold ones.

-1 package spaghetti
-1medium onion
-2-3 cloves garlic, crushed
-1 red pepper
-1 carrot
-1 tuna can
-vegetables soup
-olive oil

We boil spaghetti in salty water.


I.Heat oil in a saucepan. Add garlic and onion. Cook until golden.

II. Cut the pepper into stripes, grate the carrot and mix with the onion and garlic.

III.We let them on a small fire for about 4-5 minutes, till the carrot becomes tender then add some vegetables soup and keep it on the fire other 4-5 minutes.

We put spaghetti on a dish, then we top it with tuna. Then we add the sauce.
We decorate it with chopped parsley.
Spaghetti with tuna


-1 pachet spaghete
-1 ceapa medie
-1-2 graunti de usturoi
-1 ardei rosu
-1 morcov
-conserva de ton
-supa de legume
-ulei de masline
-ceapa verde (optional)

Se fierb pastele in apa cu sare. Cand sunt gata se scot si se pune o lingura mare de ulei peste ele sa nu se lipeasca unele de altele.

I.Se pune putin ulei de masline intr-o tigaie si se caleste ceapa si usturoiul putin zdrobit.

II.Se taie fasii un ardei rosu si se adauga peste ceapa, apoi se pune si morcovul dat pe razatoare.

III.Le lasam sa se caleasca un pic, apoi punem putina supa de legume.

Pe farfurie se aseaza pastele, peste care se pune tonul maruntit.
Desupra se toarna sosul.
Ornam cu patrunjel si ceapa verde. (optional)

Daca vreti, puteti sa adaugati si cateva masline si cascaval ras deasupra.

Pofta buna!

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