
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Basbousa Recipe

Basbousa - Oriental sweet


2 cups semolina
2 tablespoons coconut
3/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons butter
1 yogurt

Sugar syrup

2 cups sugar
2 cups water
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon lemon juice

1.Mix yogurt and butter and add semolina little by little. Then put the baking powder, sugar and coconut and mix it well. If you feel it's too much semolina, then add 1-2 tablespoons yogurt.

2.Butter the bottom of a medium sized tray and put this composition. Press it well and put it into a pre-heated oven until golden the surface.

Meanwhile we prepare the syrup, boiling all the ingredients together for about 15 minutes. Don't cover the pot while boiling!

If you want to decorate it, before pouring syrup on the top just put almonds or fistic on each piece.
Basbousa with almonds


-2 cani gris
-2 linguri nuca de cocos
-3/4 cana zahar
-2 lingurite praf de copt
-2 linguri unt
-1 iaurt

Sirop de zahar
-2 cani apa
-2 cani zahar
-1 lingurita esenta de vanilie
-1 lingura zeama de lamaie

1.Amestecam grisul cu iaurtul. Grisul se adauga treptat pentru a se incorpora bine in compozitie. Apoi adaugam praful de copt, zaharul si nuca de cocos si amestecam bine. Daca ni se pare ca este prea mult gris, atunci putem sa mai adaugam 1-2 linguri de iaurt.

2.Ungem o tava de marime medie cu unt si punem compozitia. Presam bine, ca sa fie omogena, apoi o punem la cuptor incalzit in prealalbil. O tinem pana devine aurie.

Intre timp pregatim siropul – amestecam ingredientele si le fierbem circa 15 minute, fara sa acoperim vasul.
Basbousa poate sa ramana asa, sau o putem decora cu fistic ori migdale.