Ciulama with mashrooms
This is a Romanian dish, easy to prepare and tasty. IT is just to have something different from time to time. What I like the most in it is that it is not heavy and we can eat it anytime.
-1 onion
-1 carrot
-2-3 tablespoons mushrooms from a tin
-1 cup chicken soup
-2 tablespoons flour
-salt, green pepper
-3-4 cloves garlic (optional)
I.We chop the onion and the carrot into small pieces and we fry them a little bit in some oil. If needed to stay more on the fire, instead of adding more oil, we can just pour some water from time to time and cover it untill it's well done. We add the mushrooms and we keep them on the fire about 5 more minutes, stirring from time to time.
II.In a cup, we put the 2 tablespoons flour and some water and we stir well. We'll have a thin dough which we pour into the pan. We keep stirring so the flour will not be stuck on the bottom of the pan. We keep it on the fire till the flour has a golden color.
III.When the flour is golden, we pour the soup little by little and we stir it well-well, so it becomes like a cream. Then we leave it on a small fire to boil well. From time to time we stir.
IV.When it's almost ready, we chop the parsley and we let it boil 3-4 more minutes.
V. After we stop it, if u like garlic (as I do :) ), you can just crush 3-4 cloves garlic and put it in the food. Then we cover, so the properties of the garlic are entirely kept, without boiling it.
We can serve it with polenta.
Enjoy it!
-1 ceapa
-1 morcov
-2-3 linguri de ciuperci din conserva
-2 cani de supa de pui (sau vita)
-2 linguri de faina
-o legatura de patrunjel
-sare, piper
-3-4 graunti de usturoi (optional)
I. Tocam ceapa si dam morcovul pe razatoare, dupa care le punem la prajit in putin ulei. Daca e nevoie sa stea mai mult pe foc, in loc sa punem mult ulei, mai picuram din cand in cand niste apa si acoperim cratita cu capac, sa fiarba innabusit. Adaugam si ciupercile sa se caleasca.
II.Intr-o cana punem cele 2 linguri de faina si cu putina apa si facem o coca subtire. Turnam amestecul in cratita cu prajeala si amestecam sa nu se prinda. Tinem pe foc pana se coace faina, are o culoare aurie.
III.Cand faina are culoarea aurie, turman supa putin cate putin si amestecam bine-bine sa nu ramana cocoloase; cand am pus toata supa, lasam sa fiarba. Din cand in cand mestecam sa nu se prinda de tigaie.
IV. Cand e aproape gata, inainte sa oprim focul, tocam patrunjelul, punem sare si piper dupa gust si mai lasam sa fiarba 3-4 minute.
V. Dupa ce oprim focul la mancare, daca vrem, putem sa pisam cativa graunti de usturoi si punem peste mancare, dupa care acoperim cu capacul. Astfel pastram gustul si proprietatile usturoiului, fara sa-l mai fierbem.
Se serveste cu mamaliga calda (daca nu avem, e buna si cu paine :) )
Pofta buna!
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