
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Red pepper recipe


-5 kg red pepper
-300 g sugar
-5 tablespoons salt
-2 cups vinegar
-celery leaves
-mustard gains
-dry thyme

1.Clean the pepper and cut them into 4 pieces; then put them into a big pot, add sugar, salt and vinegar. Leave it 24 hours, stir occasionally.

2.In jars of 800 g we put the pepper, mustard grains, onion, slices of horse-radish

3.We add celery leaves, dry thyme, then we pour that juice from peppers, then put some oil on the top.

4.Cover the jars with cellophane, then put the covers, so the air will not enter later.  

Gogosari in otet
Gogosari in otet


- 5 kg gogosari
- 300 g zahar
- 5 linguri de sare
- 2 cani otet
- frunze de telina
- mustar boabe
- ceapa
- cimbru uscat
- hrean
- ulei

1.Curatam gogosarii, ii tai in 4, ii punem intr-un lighean mare, presaram zaharul,  sarea si adaugam otetul. Lasam la macerat 24 de ore, amestecand periodic.

2.Asezam in borcane de 800 g gogosarii, boabele de mustar, ceapa, cimbrul, hreanul taiat rondele subtiri.
3.Adaugam frunzele de telina intregi, apoi turnam zeama lasata de gogosari, iar peste aceasta un strat de ulei.
4.Inchidem bine borcanele - acoperim cu celofan, apoi punem capacul (sa nu intre aer)

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