Boiling meat might be a pain for anyone of us. Or at least, for me it used to be. Each time I was boiling the meat – especially cattle meat and sheep meat, I was feeling that it was going to take a century to finish this mission. But I have found out a trick and it really works! Instead of keeping it on the fire like 3 hours, this time 1 hour is enough to make the meat ready. Besides, the meat becomes so soft, that you will feel the difference from the very beginning, before even putting it into water.
So, what have I done?
I. After I unfrozen the meat, I sprinkled salt over each piece of meat and I kneaded well the meat.
II.Then melt some butter in a small pan (I can afford to do this, because I usually buy cooking butter, it's cheaper than the packed one) and after that pour butter over the meat and keep kneading for some seconds. You will see how the blood comes out from the meat and the meat will become soft.
Then it's just a matter of maximum 1 hour to be well boiled. The butter will also give the meat a nice taste and smell.
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Boiling the meat after using salt and butter |
De fiecare data ma apucam sa fierb carnea (mai ales cea de vita si de oaie), trebuia sa ma pregatesc de asteptat ore intregi – cel putin 3 ore pana sa fiarba carnea. Dar am aflat de curand un trick care functioneaza de minune:
I.Dupa ce dezghetam carnea, presaram sare peste ea si o framantam bine.
II.Apoi topim unt intr-un vas micut (eu folosesc unt pentru gatit, cumparat la kg, vrac, este mai ieftin decat cel cumparat la pachet). Dupa aceea punem unt peste carne si framantam bine cateva secunde. Vom observa ca sangele iese din carne si aceasta devine frageda. Apoi o punem la fiert in apa.
Este vorba de doar maximum 1 ora pana sa fiarba carnea. Untul da carnii un gust si un miros deosebit.